I was born and raised in Iowa, and I like to think I will always be a midwest girl at heart.
There is something so special about the midwest, definitely not the bipolar weather, but the people. Everyone is genuine, kind, hard working, and is always going out of their way to lend a helping hand.
It seems as if everyone in the midwest was raised with similar morals and mannerisms. Sir and ma’am are commonly used, saying please and thank you is a must, waving and smiling at every stranger is normal, and making small talk and basically becoming best friends with every human (including the grocery clerk checking you out)… is ALSO NORMAL-- the things I learned that aren't so common in the west.
In fact, as I was writing this post in a random small town Iowa cafe with my family, TWO different girls went out of their way just to tell me they loved my outfit, and that they thought I was pretty! Like BRB, EXCUSE ME WHILE I CRY! This act of kindness wasn’t HUGE by any means and required little effort, but I believe it’s the little things that make people happier, gives an extra confidence boost, or maybe it just brings a much needed smile to someone’s day-- I know it made me smile a little brighter!
In high school I was a part of a club called “RAK” which stands for Random Acts of Kindness. We were actively involved within the community doing acts of service. One day we were putting positive notes on lockers, and the next we were volunteering at Meals from the heartland packaging food for third world countries! Spreading kindness became second nature, and an addicting habit.
I want to spread the midwest kindness all over. I made a bucket list of ideas you can do out by yourself, as a community event, or even cross things off the list as a team bonding activity. I promise you there is no better feeling than spreading love to others “just because”. It's a win-win situation for everyone, and you honestly never know how much the “little” things can make such a huge impact on someone. It could be just what they need! (:
Random Acts of Kindness Bucket List
The Rules:
1. Be genuine in each one of the service tasks. We are trying to make someone’s day, so put effort into each task.
2. Optional: tag me @cami_griffith so I can share your acts of kindness on Instagram, and hopefully reach more people to spread the love!
Pay a compliment to 5 strangers
Write and drop off a thank you note to the fire department and police station
Hold the door for someone
Write someone a letter. A real letter, on paper, and mail it! Think of someone who could need a message from a friend.
Donate a book to the library.
Call your grandparents. Take a minute to say hello and ask how they are.
Put 5 sticky notes with a positive message on the mirrors in a restroom or a gym.
Leave quarters at a parking meter, vending machine, laundry mat, etc. for someone to find. Include a pay it forward note.
Clean 3 people’s windshields at a gas station
Sweep a porch, shovel snow, pick a few weeds from someone’s yard.
Read a book to a child
Smile at 5 people you pass
Pick up at least 10 pieces of trash in the neighborhood/ park, etc.
Send a heartfelt text to someone you know who may be going through a hard time.
Return someone else cart at the grocery store
Go visit an assisted living center and visit with the elderly
Pray for someone you are having a hard time with
Buy a homeless person a meal
Instead of asking someone if they need help, find something and do it for them
Try to sincerely thank as many people as possible today
Visit and help out at an animal shelter
Ding dong ditch someone with a gift
Write positive posters and hang them around your school or work
Make cookies or a special treat an take them to someone
Make a small care package for someone who is homeless
Go through a drive through and pay for the person behind you
Return a neighbors garbage can for them
Write motivational messages on the sidewalk with chalk
Hand out water bottles to every homeless person you see
Take a homeless person on a shopping spree for whatever the weather may be
Be sure to leave a comment of any other Random Acts of Kindness you can think of! This is just a starting list! (: